Session — ASN Events
Instream wood as a driver of nutrient attenuation in a lowland sandy stream Hierarchical analyses of French macroinvertebrate communities' responses to anthropogenic multi-scale stressors The settling pattern of vegetation seeds on alternate sandbars and the effect of corresponding vegetation on river bed morphology Incorporating flow-related invertebrate drift & bioenergetics processes in trout flow needs assessment: a comparison with traditional hydraulic-habitat modelling Invertebrate dynamics in the downstream of a dam after sediment supply Modelling the impacts of flow on Macquarie Perch in the Yarra River and the consequences for long term persistence. Ecological changes in response to hydrology within chalk stream headwaters in the Thames Basin, UK. Quantifying bedload transport to manage ecological health in New Zealand rivers Modelling floodplain connectivity and thermal risks in northern Australia Fish passage of sturgeon Impacts of climate change on the fisheries productivity of Arctic Grayling The effect of alluvial thickness on hyporheic flow quality from the point of view of chum salmon spawning environment Coherent vortex structures at the sediment-water-interface 침대 조도 경계층과 그 결과 성과의 개념은 식물과 스트림의 흐름 및 하천 프로세스의 2D 깊이 평균 분석에 적용 할 수 The importance of consolidated drainage canals as a habitat for aquatic plants NEW CONSTRUCTION OF THE “SESERAGI FISHWAY” IN MIYANAKA INTAKE DAM AND ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT Evaluation of infiltration capacity and water retention potential of amended soil using bamboo charcoal and humus for urban flood prevention Knowledge Exchange for Efficient Passage of Fish in the Southern Hemisphere (KEEPFISH) Seagrass dynamics in Western Port, Victoria – a coupled hydrodynamic-wave-population dynamics simulation tool   EFFECTS OF VEGETATION ARRANGEMENT PATTEN WITH SIDE CAVITY ON FLOW RESISTANCE AND TURBULENT STRUCTURE IN OPEN CHANNEL Linking numerical sediment-transport models with habitat suitability models to account for the effects of multiple particle sizes on spawning habitats of brown trout Spatial comparison of habitat suitability maps using fuzzy-logic Plant parameters as drivers for drag forces under extreme wave loading Using surrogate organisms in hydraulic research: guidance on their design and implementation Developing Allometric Relationships for Riparian Vegetation Friction Characterization