Session — ASN Events
Watercourse hydrology: An interesting dilemma for the Gwydir and Warrego-Darling LTIM projects Linking longitudinal patterns in river and wetland biogeochemistry to environmental flow regimes Restoring Environmental Flows through Adaptive Reservoir Management: Planning, Science, And Implementation through the Sustainable Rivers Project Using a Population model to help manage flows and carp Modelling of Mountain Whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni) egg stranding in the Columbia River in British Columbia, Canada and an assessment of effects on recruitment. Seeking better fishways: the Pump Fishway Program Knowing then doing, or is it doing then knowing? Environmental flows and bank condition monitoring in the Goulburn River, Australia Application of 2D-hydraulic models to help predict ecosystem responses to in-channel environmental flows Effect of Temperature Change due to the Hydropeaking on the Physical Habitat The making and adjusting of Sustainable Diversion Limits in the Murray-Darling Basin, Australia Modeling fish movement in a spatially explicit population model of juvenile Chinook salmon in the Klamath River, USA Snag placement and fish habitat hold under record floods, addressing key operational risks and barriers to stakeholder participation in re-snagging projects The effectiveness of quasi-judicial inquiries into technical issues The implications of guidelines and standards allowing overtopping of dams by very large floods Development of low-flow assessment tools for the Melbourne Water region Travelling downstream: Thermal challenges facing fish Novel river eco-hydrological systems projected for Europe Complex Flow Benchmarking of Free-Surface 2D Hydrodynamic Solvers Use of 1D hydraulic models to assess habitat sensitivity: a case study from Boxford, UK Preferential flow paths lead to limited denitrification in permeable sediments and submarine groundwater discharge Effect of Sill Structure on Scour Pattern Around Tandem Piers Keynote: Upscaling Reach Scale Ecohydraulic Models to Inform Population Level Salmonid Life Cycle Modelling and Restoration Actions – Lessons from the Columbia River Basin RiM-FIM floodplain inundation models in the Murray Darling Basin, Australia How do animals communicate in complex hydrodynamic environments? Linking hydraulics and ecology in rivers. Impact of Land Use on Flood Events in the Brahmaputra Basin in India